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Family Matters:1. My Shark Sister 家庭问题:1.我的鲨鱼妹妹


A: I'm tired of living with my sister. B: I don't like living with mine, either. A: There should be a place to send annoying siblings. B: What kind of place? A: I don't know, maybe the zoo. B: My sister is too wild to live in a zoo. A: I think she'd scare all the animals. B: Yeah, and eat all of their food. A: What about the aquarium? B: I guess the shark tank would be a good place. A: It's too bad that humans can't breathe underwater. B: What a shame, it was the perfect plan.

上一篇: Daily Life:15. Flying on an Airplane 日常生活:15.在飞机上飞行
下一篇: Family Matters:2. Family Reunions 家庭事务:2.家庭团聚