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Family Matters:6. New Webcams 家庭事务:6.新的网络摄像头


A: Computers are so amazing. B: I agree! I love the new webcams. A: Did you buy one recently? B: My laptop came with one. My mother loves it. A: Who does your mother use it to speak with? B: She calls my great aunt from out of state. A: I didn't know you had a great aunt. B: Neither did I! A: That webcam is bringing your family together. B: It really is. I cannot wait to meet her! A: I thought you already talk to her often. B: I do, but I will meet her in person next month.

上一篇: Family Matters:5. Father's Day 家庭事务:5.父亲节
下一篇: Family Matters:7. Mother and Son 家庭事务:7.母亲和儿子