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Family Matters:12. Snow Fight 家庭事务:12.打雪仗


A: Why did you throw snow at your brother? B: It was a snowball fight. A: He said that he didn't know you were playing. B: Well, he should've known once he felt the snowball. A: Does this have anything to do with the snowman? B: You mean the one he knocked down? A: That's exactly the one I mean. B: Maybe, but I just wanted to have a snowball fight. A: You should be nicer to your brother. B: He should be nicer to my snowmen. A: Go say you're sorry and play nicely. B: Only if he says he's sorry, first.

上一篇: Family Matters:11. A Day at the Beach 家庭事务:11.海滩上的一天
下一篇: Family Matters:13. Family Photo 家庭事务:13.家庭照片