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American Foods:13. Imported Chocolates 美国食品:13.进口巧克力


A: My grandma bought me some chocolates yesterday. B: That is an impressive-looking box. A: She said they were imported chocolates. B: What does that mean? A: I don't know, but it sounds impressive. B: I think it means that they come from another country. A: Would people go through that much trouble for candy? B: Chocolate is considered a delicacy in some places. A: It's ironic that it's almost worthless here. B: Have you tried it yet? A: Yes! It's delicious! B: Well, that's imported chocolate for you!

上一篇: American Foods:12. Frozen Yogurt 美国食品:12.冷冻酸奶
下一篇: American Foods:14. Strawberry Banana 美国食品:14.草莓和香蕉