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Eating Out:6. Getting a Sandwich 外出就餐:吃三明治


A: Welcome to Sarah's Sandwiches! B: Hi! I don't know where to start. A: Let's start with the bread. B: I want something healthy and tasty. A: I recommend the sweet grain bread. B: Okay, thank you. A: What kind of meat do you recommend? B: Turkey would be good for you! A: Okay, I'll get that. B: I'll also add tomatoes, lettuce, onions, and cucumber. A: Thanks for helping me create a healthy sandwich! B: It is my pleasure.

上一篇: Eating Out:5. The Long Line Outside 外出就餐:外面的长队
下一篇: Eating Out:7. The Picky Eater 外出就餐:挑食者