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Eating Out:8. Out of Iced Tea 外出就餐:喝完冰茶


A: Hi sir, what can I get you today? B: I'll have one glass of iced tea. A: I'm sorry, but we are out of iced tea. B: How can you be out of iced tea? A: We didn't get all of the ingredients. B: Iced tea is all I want. A: Sir, we have plenty of other drinks. B: I guess lemonade would be okay. A: Lemonade coming right up! B: Wait. You should give me a discount. A: I will give you a 15% discount. B: Good! This restaurant is doing something right today.

上一篇: Eating Out:7. The Picky Eater 外出就餐:挑食者
下一篇: Eating Out:9. Allergic 外出就餐:过敏