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Eating Out:10. This Chicken Is So Plain 外出就餐:这只鸡太普通了


A: This chicken is so plain. B: I agree with you. A: Should we send it back? B: No, I don't want to give the waiter any trouble. A: Should we just leave this restaurant then? B: No, we already got here. A: What in the world do we do then? B: I know! Let's add chili sauce and lemon. A: What a great idea! B: Okay, here I go. A: Well, how does it taste? B: It tastes so much better.

上一篇: Eating Out:9. Allergic 外出就餐:过敏
下一篇: Eating Out:11. Food Poisoning 外出就餐:食物中毒