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Driving:7. Scared for Life 驾驶:害怕生活


A: You have not driven in a month. B: I just like staying at home these days. A: What is really going on? B: Honestly, I'm scared of getting into an accident. A: You weren't scared two months ago. B: My best friend got into a car accident. A: Accidents do happen, but not if you're careful. B: I'm just scared. A: You shouldn't be. B: If it happened to my friend, it can happen to me. A: So you're just going to never drive? B: I'll drive when I'm ready.

上一篇: Driving:6. Scratching the Car 驾驶:刮车
下一篇: Driving:8. Santa Anita Mall 驾驶:圣安妮塔购物中心