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Driving:12. My Car Was Stolen 驾驶:我的车被偷了


A: My car was stolen. B: I am so sorry to hear that. A: Did you happen to see anything suspicious yesterday? B: Well, I did see a man looking at your car. A: What time did you see this man? B: I saw him at about 2:00 p.m. A: I wasn't home at that time. B: Then, the man I saw could be the criminal! A: What did he look like? B: I couldn't really see his face. A: I'll never find the criminal. B: I hope you have a good insurance plan.

上一篇: Driving:11. A Long Trip 驾驶:长途旅行
下一篇: Driving:13. Buying a New Car 驾驶:买一辆新车