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Driving:14. Put Your Seatbelt On 驾驶:戴上安全带


A: Is your seatbelt on? B: Of course, it is. A: I can tell you're lying. B: Fine! The truth is, I never put my seatbelt on. A: Why not? That's so dangerous. B: It feels so uncomfortable. A: Say that after you get into a car accident. B: I'm never going to get into an accident. A: There's another reason you should put your seatbelt on. B: And that is? A: You're going to get a ticket. B: Really? Fine, I'll put my seatbelt on.

上一篇: Driving:13. Buying a New Car 驾驶:买一辆新车
下一篇: Driving:15. California Driving Test 驾驶:加州驾驶考试