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Driving:22. Crazy Traffic 驾驶:疯狂的交通


A: I hate driving in this city! B: Why do you hate it? A: There's traffic everywhere you go. B: I know that can be stressful. A: How do you handle it? B: It's just about finding two things. A: And what is that? B: First, you need to find a lot of patience. A: What's the second thing? B: Then, you need to find a lot of shortcuts. A: Can you show me some of these shortcuts? B: Sure, I'll show you around tomorrow. A: Thank you so much! I was about to go crazy.

上一篇: Driving:21. Running Out of Gas 驾驶:汽油用完了
下一篇: Driving:23. Oil Change 驾驶:换油