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Shopping:4. Choosing Flowers 购物:4.选花


A: Where are you going? B: I'm going to buy some flowers for Valentine's Day. A: Who are the flowers for? B: My mom, my sister, and my girlfriend. A: Wow, you are very thoughtful. B: I don't really know which flowers to buy, though. A: Well, for your girlfriend, something romantic. B: Red roses, of course. A: For your mother, something that smells nice. B: Carnations! She loves carnations. A: And for your sister? B: I'll buy her some pink roses. Thanks for your help!

上一篇: Shopping:3. A Woman's Eye 购物:3.女人的眼睛
下一篇: Shopping:5. Picky Shopper 购物:5.挑剔的购物者