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Sports:15. Not Like a Real Sport 运动:15.不像真正的运动


A: What are those men doing with brooms? B: I think those are special brushes. A: Are they going to clean the ice? B: It looks like this is some kind of sport event. A: Look, they're sweeping in front of that rock! B: The Internet says that the sport is called "curling." A: It doesn't seem like a real sport to me. B: Me, neither. All they do is throw the rocks! A: How did this sport make it to the Olympics? B: I don't know, but I think it's boring. A: Should I change the channel? B: I wouldn't mind if you did.

上一篇: Sports:14. Roller Rinks 运动:14.溜冰场
下一篇: Sports:16. Watching Soccer Games 运动:16.观看足球比赛