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Health:4. A Disease 健康:4.疾病


A: How are you feeling? B: A little better, but it is still hard to talk. A: What did the doctor say the problem was? B: It's called mononucleosis. A: Isn't that the kissing disease? B: There are ways to get it besides kissing! A: Oh yeah? Name a few. B: Sharing drinks and food also spreads the disease. A: Really?! I share drinks with my friends all the time! B: Yeah, so did I. A: Well, I won't share with you again, that's for sure! B: I won't share with anyone ever again!

上一篇: Health:3. Runnig a Fever 健康:3.发烧
下一篇: Health:5. Face Mask 健康:5.面罩