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Health:11. Cramp While Swimming 健康:11.游泳时抽筋


A: Ah!! I've got a cramp in my foot! B: Stop swimming and roll onto your back! A: It really hurts! B: It will stop hurting if you rest a while. A: Why did you tell me to roll on my back? B: It's easier if you just float until the pain stops. A: It hurts even if I don't move my foot! B: At least your face is not in the water. A: I think the cramp went away. B: Can you move your foot now? A: Yes; thanks for your quick thinking. B: No problem. Let's get to the shallow water.

上一篇: Health:10. Health Club Membership 健康:10.健康俱乐部会员
下一篇: Health:12. Wait 30 Minutes! 健康:12.等30分钟!