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Health:16. Insomnia 健康:16.失眠


A: I'm so tired today. B: Did you stay up late watching TV again? A: No, I tried to sleep at 11 p.m.! B: And you couldn't fall asleep? A: No. I lay in bed until 3 a.m. B: Isn't that the time you usually fall asleep? A: I suppose it is, actually. B: Your body is too used to going to sleep really late. A: What should I do? I'm tired. B: Try to tire yourself out and sleep early today. A: Tonight is the season finale, though… B: You're hopeless!

上一篇: Health:15. Deer Ticks 健康:15.鹿蜱
下一篇: Health:17. Hair Brush 健康:17.发刷