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Safety:1. Helmets 安全:1.头盔


A: Don't ride your bike unless you're wearing a helmet! B: I don't like helmets. They mess up my hair! A: It's better to mess up your hair than to mess up your head! B: I won't fall. I'm a good bike rider. A: Accidents happen very easily. B: I've never fallen before! A: There's a first time for everything. B: I'll be very careful. A: If it wasn't so dangerous, there wouldn't be a helmet law. B: What is the helmetlaw? A: Children have to wear helmets until they're eighteen. B: I suppose wearing a helmet won't be too bad, then.

上一篇: Nature:17. Wolves 自然:17.狼
下一篇: Safety:2. Seatbelte 安全:2.安全带