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Safety:14. Online Accounts 安全:14.在线账户


A: I got my email hacked the other day. B: That's terrible! How did that happen? A: I opened an account on a website and used the same password. B: That wasn't very wise. A: I know, I won't do it again. B: I'm always afraid to forget all my passwords, though. A: You should make them very similar to each other. B: I guess that would be a good solution. A: It's hard to have any privacy in today's world. B: That's for sure. We have to protect it. A: I'll make sure this never happens again. B: I hope you get your email fixed!

上一篇: Safety:13. Public Transport 安全:13.公共交通
下一篇: Safety:15. Pit-bull Ban 安全:15.比特牛禁令