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Daily Life:25. Give Me a Puppy 日常生活:25.给我一只小狗


A: Mom, I want a puppy. B: Let me think about it. A: Why do you have to think about it? B: Because a puppy costs money. A: No, it doesn't. Puppies are free. B: Yes, but a puppy needs shots. A: Shots for what? B: So it won't get sick. Just like you get shots. A: I hate shots. B: And a puppy eats food. Food costs money. A: No problem. I'll give him food off my plate. B: Oh, no you don't. Puppies don't eat vegetables.

上一篇: Daily Life:24. Two Polite People 日常生活:24.两个有礼貌的人
下一篇: Daily Life:26. Kittens to Give Away 日常生活:26.小猫送人