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Daily Life:27. Happy in Heaven 日常生活:27.快乐在天堂


A: My parents go to church every Sunday. B: They trust in God. A: They hope they will go to heaven. B: They probably will. A: But no one knows for sure. B: That's for sure. A: No one knows what happens after we die. B: If we are good, we will be happy in heaven with God. A: That's what many people believe. B: If we are bad, we will be unhappy forever in hell. A: I don't want to go to hell. B: Let's go to church with your parents on Sunday.

上一篇: Daily Life:26. Kittens to Give Away 日常生活:26.小猫送人
下一篇: Daily Life:28. His Line Is Never Busy 日常生活:28.他的电话从不占线