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Daily Life:38. A Bad Diet 日常生活:38.不良饮食


A: Mom, I'm hungry. B: Look in the fridge. A: I'm looking. There's nothing to eat. B: Are you sure? A: It's almost empty. B: I went to the market yesterday. A: I don't see anything. B: I bought lots of oranges and apples. A: I don't want fruit. I want something tasty. B: Eat the fruit. It's good for you. A: Next time you go to the market, let me go with you. B: No, thank you. All you want to eat are hot dogs and candy bars.

上一篇: Daily Life:37. Talk Radio 日常生活:37.电台谈话
下一篇: Daily Life:39. A Ham Sandwich 日常生活:39.火腿三明治