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Daily Life:49. Let's Not Go Out 日常生活:49.我们不要出去


A: I hate to go outside. B: Me too. A: Why do you hate to go outside? B: I meet too many jerks. A: I agree. B: This city is full of jerks. A: Rude people are everywhere. B: But what can you do? A: You can yell at them. B: And they will yell back at you. A: Yelling doesn't do any good. B: No. The best thing to do is just stay home.

上一篇: Daily Life:48. If You Cheat, You Will Die 日常生活:48.如果你作弊,你会死
下一篇: Daily Life:50. Fill Out the Form 日常生活:50.填写表格