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Daily Life:68. It's the Only Earth We've Got 日常生活:68.这是我们唯一的地球


A: Do you know what today is? B: Yes, it's April 22. A: It's more than just a date. B: Is it your birthday or anniversary? A: No, it's Earth Day. B: What's that? A: It's a yearly reminder to take care of our planet. B: Oh, you mean like reuse things and recycle stuff? A: Yes. We need to think green, save water, and stop using plastic bags. B: How about if I take shorter showers? A: That's a good idea, because showers waste a lot of water. B: From now on I'll spend only 20 minutes in the shower.

上一篇: Daily Life:67. Spanish Spoken Here 日常生活:67.这里讲西班牙语
下一篇: Daily Life:69. No Time for Rhyme 日常生活:69.没有时间押韵