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School Life:15. Hit and Run 学校生活:15.肇事逃逸


A: The cops finally found the husband. B: What husband? A: The husband of the driver who ran over two college students at 3 a.m. B: Oh, yeah. The girl died instantly, and the boy is still in the hospital. A: The husband said he tried to help the boy. B: Yes, he pushed him off the hood of the car. A: No, he said he gently placed the boy on the street. B: So what? They still drove off. A: The husband said a fire department was nearby. B: So what? Did he dial 911? A: He said he was thinking about it, but he didn't get around to it. B: He didn't get around to turning himself in, either.

上一篇: School Life:14. Prayers 学校生活:14.祈祷
下一篇: Transportation:1. What Will People Think? 交通:1.人们会怎么想?