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Entertainment:8. A Chilly Day 娱乐:8.寒冷的一天


A: Let's take a walk. B: What's the weather like? A: Let me step outside and see. B: It's a little chilly, right? A: Yes, it is. B: I'll put on my cap. A: Wear a jacket, too. B: I wonder if I should bring my gloves. A: Maybe you should, just in case it gets colder. B: I'll put a glove in each pocket. A: We'll get warmer as we walk. B: Yes, but it gets colder as the sun goes down.

上一篇: Entertainment:7. A Sip of Coffee 娱乐:7.一小口咖啡
下一篇: Entertainment:9. A Crazy Driver 娱乐:9.一个疯狂的司机