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Dating:13. A Good Nose 约会:13.好鼻子


A: Some people have good noses. B: I wish I had a good nose. Mine is way too big. A: I don't mean good-looking. I mean good-smelling. B: Oh. But that can be a curse. A: Yes, because you can be too sensitive to odors. B: I'll say. My girlfriend has a nose like a drug dog. A: Did she catch you using drugs? B: Sort of. She knows whenever I sneak a cigarette. A: You don't need a good nose for that—cigarettes stink. B: But when I sneak just one cigarette in the morning, she can smell it that evening! A: Boy, that is a good nose. B: I told her she should apply for a job at customs.

上一篇: Dating:12. I Love You More than Money 约会:12.我爱你胜过爱钱
下一篇: Eating Out:1. I Feel Like Chinese 外出就餐:1.我觉得自己像个中国人