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Sports:1. Take Me to the Ball Game 运动:1.带我去看球赛


A: Can we go to the baseball game? B: Of course. A: I love baseball. B: So do I. A: I love to eat the peanuts. B: I love to eat the hot dogs. A: I hope we'll see a home run. B: I hope we'll catch a foul ball. A: Bring a jacket. B: Yes. It gets a little cool at night. A: Bring a glove to catch a foul ball. B: No. I'll just use my cap to catch a foul ball.

上一篇: Eating Out:10. Do I Hear $60,000? 外出就餐:10.我听到60000美元了吗?
下一篇: Sports:2. Golf Is Silly 运动:2.高尔夫是愚蠢的