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Sports:3. Fresh Fish 运动:3.鲜鱼


A: Do you want to go fishing? B: Yes. That's a good idea. A: Where do you want to go? B: We can go to the river. A: Or we can go to the lake. B: Or we can go to the ocean. A: Let’s go to the lake. B: Yes. The lake is only 10 miles away. A: We can be there in 20 minutes. B: I'll get our fishing rods. A: I'll get the bait. B: We'll have fresh fish for dinner!

上一篇: Sports:2. Golf Is Silly 运动:2.高尔夫是愚蠢的
下一篇: Sports:4. I Love Baseball 运动:4.我喜欢棒球