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Travel:10. The Grand Canyon 旅行:10.大峡谷


A: Spring break starts tomorrow. B: Are you going to go anywhere? A: I was thinking of driving to Arizona. B: To the Grand Canyon? A: Yes. I've never been there. B: I was there when I was a kid. A: How did you like it? B: I loved it. I still remember how amazing it was. A: I'm sure I'll like it, too. B: You should try riding a mule on a trail to the bottom. A: No way! I don't want to fall to my death. B: Don't worry. Only one person has ever fallen off a mule.

上一篇: Travel:9. Prepare for Takeoff 旅行:9.准备起飞
下一篇: Travel:11. Hotel Hell 旅行:11.地狱酒店