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Food:6. Same Old Diet 食物:6.相同的旧饮食


A: I eat the same thing every day. B: You're kidding. A: No, I'm serious. B: Doesn't that get old? A: No, because I'm eating food that I like. B: But the same thing day after day gets old. A: Well, I guess if it ever does get old, I'll change to something different. B: Do you eat fruits and vegetables every day? A: No, I hate vegetables. B: But you eat fruits. A: I eat two apples, one banana, and one orange every day. B: Well, there's nothing wrong with that.

上一篇: Food:5. Bad Manners 食物:5.不礼貌
下一篇: Food:7. A Pink Orange 食物:7.一个粉红色的橙色