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Voting:4. Change Is Good 投票:4.改变是好事


A: Well, we have a new president. B: But we have the same old problems. A: Well, he's made a few changes. B: Like what? A: I think he closed the bowling alley in the White House. B: Oh, yeah. He's changing it to a basketball court. A: Who's paying for that? B: I think we are! A: Well, that's okay, as long as it helps him relax and think more clearly. B: Yes, we need a relaxed president who thinks clearly. A: Do any other world leaders have a basketball court? B: They will. You know America always leads the way.

上一篇: Voting:3. He Got Reelected 投票:3.他再次当选
下一篇: Voting:5. A Powerful Position 投票:5.强大的职位