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Health:14. Another Pimple 健康:14.又一个粉刺


A: Oh no, another pimple on my face. B: Pimples suck. A: It seems like I get a new pimple almost every day. B: Maybe it's something in your diet. A: No, I eat the same things day after day. B: Then maybe it's in your genes. A: You might be right. B: Do pimples run in your family? A: Not that I've noticed. B: Well, maybe it's from the pollution in the air. A: Whatever the cause, I hate seeing them on my face. B: Well, on the bright side, they're fun to pop.

上一篇: Health:13. A Hot Hike 健康:13.热徒步旅行
下一篇: Health:15. No Need to Worry 健康:15.不用担心