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Everyday Life:16. Returning a Call 日常生活:16.回电话


A: Hello, is this Mr. Smith? I'm Mrs. Jones. B: Hello, Mrs. Jones. Did you get my message? A: Yes, I did, I'm returning your call. B: Oh, right, of course. A: What's the problem? Is James in trouble? B: I caught him copying a classmate's test today. A: Oh, that child is incorrigible! B: I'm afraid I'll have to give him detention this time. A: It's alright, I understand. B: James certainly is strong-willed. A: Yes, he needs a firm hand and discipline! B: He's a good boy. Now if only he'd stop cheating!

上一篇: Everyday Life:15. Waking Up for School 日常生活:15.起床上学
下一篇: Everyday Life:17. Meeting Teacher at School 生活的每一天:17.在学校遇见老师