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Small Talk:3. Weather (1) 商场谈话:3.天气(1)


A: Everything is going wrong today. B: Well, at least the weather is nice. A: Oh, yeah. Imagine if it had rained like they said it would. B: I know, I would have gotten soaked walking home. A: Yeah, I love when the sun is shining, but it's not too hot. B: I do, too. This weather is pretty sweet. A: I guess everything will be okay in the end. B: So all you needed was some sunshine. A: Yeah, I guess you were right – for once. B: Hey! I'm always right.

上一篇: Small Talk:2. Greetings (2) 商城谈话:2.问候语(2)
下一篇: Small Talk:4. Weather (2) 商场谈话:4.天气(2)