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43. Left Books at the Librar 把书留在图书馆


Daniel had a project for school. It was on planets. He had to research one planet and write a report. His planet was Mars. He decided to go to the library and borrow books. He borrowed 3 books. He saw his friend there. They went to lunch. He also went to lunch. After the lunch he realized that he left the books at the lunch room. He went back. They were no longer there. Daniel panicked. He did not want to pay for the books. His parents would get mad at him. He looked everywhere. Later his friend told him maybe they were at the library. Daniel went to the library. He found the books there. He left them there before he went to eat. Daniel was so relieved.

上一篇: 42. Her 16th Birthday 她的16岁生日
下一篇: 44. Summer Reading Program 暑期阅读计划