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Small Talk:18. Invitation 商城谈话:18.邀请


A: Would you like to go see a movie tomorrow night? B: I am busy tomorrow night, but I am free the night after. A: That's great! What time should I pick you up? B: 8 p.m. would be great. A: Well, 8 p.m. it is. What movie would you like to see? B: I'm not sure. Which movies are out right now? A: I actually don't know. How about we choose when we get there? B: Sure thing, that sounds great. A: Okay, should I pick you up at your house? Or do you want to meet somewhere? B: I live by school; if you want, we could meet there. A: Sure. I drive a white Nissan Sentra. I'll text you later on, okay? B: That sounds great. I'll be waiting for your text.

上一篇: Small Talk:17. Sports (3) 商场谈话:17.体育(3)
下一篇: Small Talk:19. Asking for Donation 商城谈话:19.要求捐款