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College Life:21. A Restaurant by the College 大学生活:21.大学附近的一家餐厅


A: I am so sick of dining hall food. B: Me too! It's so unhealthy. A: We should go to a restaurant nearby. B: Want to go to Health Nut? A: What a funny name! B: I like it! A: Do they sell nuts? B: I'm not sure. Anyways, I want to try their organic tofu. A: I'm allergic to tofu. B: That's okay! They serve a wide variety of food. A: Great! I'm just glad we're not eating dining hall food. B: Me too. Let's go!

上一篇: College Life:20. Job Fair 大学生活:20.招聘会
下一篇: College Life:22. Vending Machine Problems 大学生活:22.自动售货机问题