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College Life:35. Dropping Out 大学生活:35.辍学


A: I have decided to drop out of college. B: You're making the worst decision of your life. A: I just don't get the point of college. It's just memorizing. B: What are you going to do then? A: I'm going to get a job! B: As what? A burger flipper? A: Don't be mean. I'm going to be rich and successful when I'm older. B: It's almost impossible to be rich and successful without a college degree. A: Look at Steve Jobs! He dropped out of college. B: He's a rare case. A: Watch me prove you wrong. B: I'd like to see you try.

上一篇: College Life:34. Changing Majors 大学生活:34.换专业
下一篇: College Life:36. Freshman 15 大学生活:36.新生15