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48. Taking Turns Washing Dishes 轮流洗碗


Victoria and Linda are sisters. Their parents make them wash dishes. They take turns. Victoria washes the dishes on Monday, Wednesday, and Friday. Linda washes the dishes on Tuesday, Thursday, and Saturday. On Sunday, they flip a coin. Today it was Victoria's turn to wash dishes. Linda took advantage of this. She used three dishes at dinner. She had one dish for rice, one dish for meat, and another dish for dessert. "Why do you have to make me wash more?" Victoria yelled. "It's fair," Linda said. Victoria never did that to Linda. She planned to make Linda wash more dishes tomorrow.

上一篇: 47. A Trail of Ants 蚂蚁的踪迹
下一篇: 49. Selling Chips to Her Schoolmates 把筹码卖给她的同学