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At The Library:11. Barely Late 图书馆:11.几乎不晚


A: Here are the books I'm returning. B: Looks like they're late. The late fee is $5. A: Okay, I'm only one minute late. B: One minute late, one month late, one year late, it doesn't matter. A: Are you kidding me? There's a big difference between one minute and one month. B: Look, the point is - they're late. A: Screw you! I ain't payin $5. B: I guess you'll never borrow another book, magazine, or video here ever again. A: It's okay, because I don't even like this library. B: This library doesn't like you either! A: I am leaving! You are plain rude. B: Leave! Nobody wants to see you.

上一篇: At The Library:10. Checking Books for Damage 图书馆:10.检查图书是否损坏
下一篇: At The Library:12. Computer Limit 图书馆:12.计算机限制