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At The Library:19. Reference Books 图书馆:19.参考书


A: You can't check out this one. It's a reference book. B: What does that mean? A: It means you can only read it in the library. B: But I need it for my essay. A: You can take pictures of the pages you need. B: I need almost all of them. A: You can keep coming back here. B: That's so inconvenient. A: It is, but they have to be kept here. B: I guess I can take pictures of the pages then. A: Sorry about the inconvenience. B: It is okay. It's not your fault.

上一篇: At The Library:18. Studying at the Library 图书馆:18.在图书馆读书
下一篇: At The Library:20. A Gross Book 图书馆:20.一本书