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Transfer To A University:14. Personal Statement Workshop 转学到大学:14.个人陈述研讨会


A: I'm having trouble with my personal statement. B: You should go to the personal statement workshop. A: What is that? B: It's where a professional will give you tips and revise your personal statement. A: That sounds helpful. B: It is. I went to one last week. A: How was it? B: The person leading the workshop was an English professor, so it was informative. A: I'm kind of embarrassed to show my personal statement, though. B: You shouldn't be. A: I feel like I'll be laughed at. B: The workshop will improve your writing. You really should go.

上一篇: Transfer To A University:13. A Recommendation Letter (2) 转学到大学:13.推荐信(2)
下一篇: Transfer To A University:15. Not Accepted to a University 转学到大学:15.未被大学录取