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Foods:2. How to Cook a Meal 食物:2.如何做饭


A: Can you make dinner for your sister tonight? B: Aw, she only eats macaroni and cheese! A: What's the problem? B: I don't know how to make it. A: It's super easy, just follow the box instructions. B: We're all out of instant macaroni and cheese. A: Well, make it from scratch, then. B: How do I do that?! A: Just cook the pasta, and mix it in cheese, milk, and butter. B: It can't be that easy. A: Cooking isn't hard at all. You can do it. B: If I accidentally burn the house down, it's not my fault.

上一篇: Foods:1. Where to Buy Food 食物:1.在哪里买食物
下一篇: Foods:3. Breakfast 食物:3.早餐