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Driving:5. Failing the Road Test 驾驶:5.路考不及格


A: Unfortunately, you made a lot of mistakes. I cannot pass you. B: What mistakes did I make? A: You failed to put your turn signals when turning a corner. B: How many mistakes am I allowed? A: You are allowed three mistakes. You got five. B: Which other mistakes did I make? A: You hit the curb when you were parallel parking. B: I thought you might have missed that. A: No, you also didn't pay attention to some of the signs. B: Which signs are you talking about? A: You passed a yield sign, and you did not yield. B: Can I take the test again? A: You can take it again on Monday.

上一篇: Driving:4. Learning how to Drive (2) 驾驶:4.学习驾驶(2)
下一篇: Driving:6. Passing the Road Test 驾驶:6.通过路考