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Driving:8. Where to Park on Campus 驾驶:8.在校园里停车


A: Excuse me. This is my first time on campus. Where can I park? B: There are three parking lots on campus. A: Can you point me to the direction of the nearest one? B: Keep driving straight. When you get to the light, make a left. A: Thank you. Do I have to pay? B: The first floor has visitors parking. A: So, do I have to pay? Do they take credit cards? B: Yes, you would have to pay, and they do take credit cards. A: How much does it cost to park? B: I believe it is $3. I could be wrong. A: Oh, okay. Thank you very much. B: You're welcome. Have a nice day.

上一篇: Driving:7. Getting the Driver's License 驾驶:7.拿到驾照
下一篇: Driving:9. Getting a Parking Ticket 驾驶:9.拿到停车罚单