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Looking For An Apartment:1. How to Find an Apartment (1) 寻找公寓:1.如何找到公寓(1)


A: Can you help me find an apartment? B: Sure, I would be happy to help. A: I'm having trouble starting my search. B: I would try driving around the neighborhood, and looking for any signs that say rent. A: That's a good start. Thank you. B: Don't mention it. A: Do you have any other advice you can offer? B: Yes. Try searching on the internet for apartments. A: The internet? Are you sure? B: The internet is a great place for people to sell and buy all sorts of things. A: Even renting out apartments? B: Yes, even that. Just be sure to always be safe in all transactions. A: Thank you for your help. B: You're welcome.

上一篇: Driving:20. Calling the Insurance Company 驾驶:打电话给保险公司
下一篇: Looking For An Apartment:2. How to Find an Apartment (2) 寻找公寓:2.如何找到公寓(2)