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Looking For An Apartment:8. Asking About the Neighborhood (1) 寻找公寓:8.询问附近的情况(1)


A: What can you tell me about the neighborhood? B: Only good things. A: Like what, for example? B: The neighborhood is a safe and clean place. A: Is there any crime? B: There is hardly any crime that is reported. A: I wonder why that is. B: There is a neighborhood watch that patrols daily. A: That explains crime disparity. B: Any other questions? A: Who are the residents living in the neighborhood? B: Mostly families and some retired folks. A: Sounds like a pleasant neighborhood. B: It really is. I hope you enjoy living there.

上一篇: Looking For An Apartment:7. Asking About the Apartment's Location (2) 寻找公寓:7.询问公寓的位置(2)
下一篇: Looking For An Apartment:9. Asking About the Neighborhood (2) 寻找公寓:9.询问附近的情况(2)