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Looking For An Apartment:34. Calling the Water Company (2) 寻找公寓:34.打电话给自来水公司(2)


A: You have called the Water Company. How may I assist you? B: Hello, I recently moved into my apartment. A: Are you calling to activate your billing? B: Yes, that's one of the things I'm calling about. A: What was the other reason for your calling today? B: There is leakage in one of the pipelines. Is there anything you can do about that? A: No, I'm sorry. But I could provide you contact with one of our plumbers. B: No, that's not necessary, but thank you. A: As for your billing, what form of payment would you like to have? B: Can I pay online? A: Yes, that is a service we do provide for our customers. B: Alright, I think I'll go with that form of payment.

上一篇: Looking For An Apartment:33. Calling the Water Company (1) 寻找公寓:33.打电话给自来水公司(1)
下一篇: Living In An Apartment:1. Greeting the Neighbor (1) 住在公寓里:1.问候邻居(1)