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Crime:7. Answering Questions of the Police 犯罪:7.回答警察的问题


A: Can you tell us what you saw? B: I didn't see much. I was afraid. A: Why were you afraid? B: The man had his hand in his pocket like he had a gun. A: Did you actually see a gun? B: No, I didn't. A: Did you see the man take the woman's wallet? B: I did. I was inside the bank waiting on line. A: Could you come to the precinct and fill out a witness statement? B: Is it going to take very long? A: No, it won't and an officer will drive you home. B: I guess I can go to the precinct then.

上一篇: Crime:6. Picking a Suspect Out of a Line-up 犯罪:6.从队列中挑选嫌疑犯
下一篇: Crime:8. Being Pulled Over 犯罪:8.被拉到路边