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Crime:14. Filing a Complaint at the Police Station 犯罪:14.在警察局投诉


A: I'd like to file a complaint. B: Of course you want to file a complaint. A: Are you the on-duty supervisor? B: I am the on-duty supervisor. A: Than you can take my complaint. B: What is the nature of your complaint? A: My neighbor is illegally dumping garbage in my yard. B: Would you like us to send some officers to speak to him? A: They already did that and he is still throwing nasty garbage in my yard. B: All right, you're going to have to see the community police officer upstairs on the third floor. A: They will take my complaint? B: Yes, they will take it and conduct a full investigation.

上一篇: Crime:13. Talking to a Lawyer 犯罪:13.与律师交谈
下一篇: Dating:1. Dating in America 约会:1.在美国约会